Listening to Policy, Electing Board of Education | Candidate Ricky Mui (Mei Ruihui): Immediately Eliminate Drug Issues

Listening to Policy, Electing Board of Education | Candidate Ricky Mui (Mei Ruihui): Immediately Eliminate Drug Issues

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Question: Can you tell us your main top three priorities?

Answer: So the top priorities are to make sure we spend our money wisely. We have a lot of programs that need our help. We have Darnstown Elementary for the autism program, and we have a lot of reading literacy to catch up on, so Hispanic-based schools may need additional help in order to read, so we want to make sure that programs are prioritized. Number two, no drugs, no vaping in our schools. Number three, our teachers need to be trained so they can continue to grow and then make sure that they can teach us better. So those are my three priorities.

Question: How fast do you plan on achieving these goals when you're on the board?

Answer: It will take some time for teachers to be trained and teach. It might take a year or two for them to take additional certifications. What I would like to see is no drugs immediately. So those are out fast! I would like to bring in Safety Resource Officers or School Resource Officers back in to make sure there are no drugs and no vaping. And the first part, that's going to take longer for us to make sure we have programs that are funded correcltly. We will have to do some audits and then find out where the money is being spent.

Question: As a new candidate for the BOE, what kind of legacy do you plan on leaving when you leave the BOE?

Answer: My kids are in the school system as well. They're in elementary going to middle school I want them to be prepared when they are about to go to high school and graduate, I want them to be prepared to come out to have a job or go to college. Right now, it depends on individual hard work, and some people may not have the background or family background that can get them there. I'm going to help to bridge that gap. 


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