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As someone who has taken Chinese throughout middle and high school, 中国 culture has had a profound impact on my personal growth. I can divide its impact into three key themes: language, culture, and community.

In middle school,  中国 immersion provided me with a new lens on the world. It was my first time experiencing a language that did not originate from Latin, unlike the other languages I speak, and I instantly wanted to learn more. By delving into the different sentence structures and stroke patterns, I realized that there was a whole other way of viewing the world. Even simple things such as where you place a noun and verb in a sentence alter the meaning and emphasis significantly, and it was eye-opening to see this transition from English to Chinese phrases early on in sixth grade.

As I progressed further into my Chinese course, I realized that Chinese culture did not only entail a different lingual structure but provided a rich and diverse culture. I will always remember making mooncakes with my class for the first time in eighth grade and learning about ancient myths that went along with traditions. I realized that many of these folk stories had a deeper meaning behind them that promoted several cultural values such as honor, family, and respect. These values differ from American values, as they provide a greater emphasis on community dedication and discipline. As I became more exposed to this different mindset, I realized that I started to adopt many of the same principles. I became way more involved in holiday celebrations with my family and developed my relationship with my grandmother. These familial ties were a direct product of immersion into Chinese culture.

The last and current theme I am experiencing as a result of Chinese Culture is community. At the beginning of eleventh grade, I decided to continue to take Chinese, despite not having it as one of my core classes. While I knew I would be continuing my journey of learning about Chinese culture, I did not know what to expect from the elective class. As the year progressed, I realized that although we didn’t have the same curriculum as the standard Chinese students, there was still a lot of room for personal growth. My class was composed of three students and one teacher, which allowed for a deeper connection between the four of us. Through this small class size and continued exposure to Chinese customs and language, I realized that Chinese is not only a language but a means of connection. I feel a sense of community and belonging in my elective class, as Chinese provides an opportunity for learning more about one another. The highlight of my year was going to a Chinese restaurant, where we were able to appreciate dim sum while laughing and telling stories.

Chinese culture has shaped my perspective on the world, cultural values, and interactions with others. I am excited to continue to learn about the country and language in college, and hope to visit soon!

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