


  • 题目自拟,中英文不限,300字以上。
  • 比赛分小学、初中、高中组,留学生组(海外生活和学习5年以内),以及英语组(不设年龄组别)。每人限中英文各一篇。
  • 请扫码报名,投稿请发到 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • 欢迎在文化节亲临“载道”展位关注咨询,有好礼相送。
  • 截稿日期:10月15日
  • 投稿即有奖!所有来稿经初步筛选后将刊登于“载道”网站,由读者票选出“人气奖”。同时,由权威评委评选出“优胜奖”,举行颁奖典礼。
  • 本次作文大赛由中国文化节组委会主办,“载道”网站 thez.us 承办。这是一家由美国华裔青少年创建的网络平台,旨在鼓励华裔青少年一起学汉语,晒作文。参赛细则请查阅“载道”网站

The Chinese Culture Festival Junior's Essay Competition cordially invites you to share your "observations, experiences, thoughts, and reflections" about the cultural festival.

  • Choose your own topic, write in either English or Chinese, with a minimum of 300 words.
  • The competition is divided into categories: elementary school, middle school, high school, overseas students (living and studying abroad for less than 5 years), and an English category (all ages). Each participant can submit one essay in Chinese and one in English.
  • Please scan the QR code to sign up and submit your articles to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Visit the "Zaidao" booth in person at the cultural festival to sign up, and receive special gifts.
  • Submission Deadline: 10/15/2023.


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