2023中国文化节青少年作文大赛 “最佳人气奖” 投票通道现已开通!

佳作纷呈 票选最懂中国的人


感谢大家踊跃投稿,2023中国文化节青少年作文大赛现已截稿,优秀稿件评选工作正在进行中。与此同时。“载道”网站精选5个组别共75篇佳作,全文刊载,并开通“最佳人气奖”投票通道。请点击 thez.us,为佳作点赞,选出最得中国文化精髓的文章!


投票规则: 同一用户(IP地址)不能为同一文章连续投票,须等其他用户为该文章投票后方可再次投票。每天投票总数不限。



颁奖典礼: 10月29日


The "Best Popularity Award" voting channel is now open for the 2023 Chinese Culture Festival Junior Essay Competition!

Thank you to everyone for your submissions. The 2023 Chinese Culture Festival Junior Essay Competition has now closed for submissions. The "ZaiDao" website has selected 75 outstanding essays from 5 categories and published them in full. The "Best Popularity Award" voting channel is now open. Please visit thez.us to give your likes to the outstanding essays and select the ones that best capture the essence of Chinese culture!

Voting method: The "Best Popularity Award" will be judged based on online votes. On the website, each essay has a blue heart-shaped button; clicking it once counts as one vote. The top 3 contestants with the most votes will receive the "Best Popularity Award."

Voting rules: The same user (IP address) cannot vote one essay consecutively; they can vote again after other users have voted for the same essay. There is no limit to the total number of likes a user can give.

Voting period: From October 20th, 12 am to October 26th, 11:59 pm

Judging rules: The Popularity Award is a separate award and is not connected to the judging panel. 

The Awards Ceremony will be held on October 29th.