Looking at Each Other Through ”Moon”, Encountering Beauty From China and the US

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Cultural confidence is like a timely rain. It moistens people's hearts and rest on renewal. Principles can exist and operate at the same time without conflicting or violating each other. Although China and the United States have a long way to go, they have been communicating with each other from heart to heart.     —Preface

The Chinese cultural Festival is great for both China and the United States. Chinese culture is extensive and profound with a long history.With its capacity to embrace all things and its creativity to keep pace with the times, it has increased our confidence and pride in our hearts and provided rich spiritual power for people around the world.

Bathe in the breeze of the revival of Confucianism and inherit the excellent cultural blood of China

I come from Shandong, the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, so I have a good understanding of Confucian culture.

King Ping moved eastward and the Western Zhou Dynasty was no more. The feudal lords divided the realm, and a hundred schools of thought contended in debate. Among them, Confucianism is like a shining star, forever in the long river of history. Confucius founded Confucianism, and his disciples compiled his words and deeds into the <Analects of Confucius>. " Isn't it happy for a person to review what he has learned after learning?" "Isn't it nice to have like-minded friends from afar "…these sentences are familiar to us. The heart of Confucius' thought is “Ren”. He urged the ruler to govern his country with morality. 

With the development of science and technology, people adhere to the right path and innovate, dare to be inheritors, pioneers, practitioners, so that inheritance as the foundation and innovation as wings. The protection of culture is becoming increasingly digital and intelligent. The museum uses 3D scanning, VR, AR and other technologies to make cultural relics no longer far away from people.

Nowadays, there are still unhealthy tendencies in society.

Just imagine, if everyone can practice the way of Confucianism, why do phenomena of scrambling for seats and failing to help others in danger occur?

As Wang Chong said, the formation of things needs a process. It is a long way to go to inherit Confucianism, and many people need to make efforts to make the gentleman's style become the foundation of society. If one person follows the Confucian path, he will lead others. I love being a gentleman and there must be someone like me.

Everything starts from a little bit and should accumulate continuously. There are always people to block, but I also stick to the original heart and ideal.

I have been learning Guzheng for 4 years since I was in Grade 5. Whenever I hear the gentle sound of Guzheng, the joy, excitement and pride in my heart overflow. In ancient times, Boya and Ziqi became bosom friends, and now I have a sister who I have never met. Two years ago, I saw a video on social media of a sister wearing Chinese clothes playing the guzheng in France. I was touched to the core. I was impressed by her spirit, more by her will, but most of all by her deep love for China. I wish I could be like her. In the future, I will also exert our own light and heat to promote Chinese culture and bring it to the world.

In the future, we must strengthen our cultural confidence, treat history as a mirror, and have a bright vision without regret. We will tell China's story and convey China's voice to the world.

Hold the torch of building an ideal society and carry forward the new trend of unity and peace

The holding of the cultural festival is a good opportunity to promote cultural integration and mutual learning.

Chinese culture should not only be inherited, but also be spread. "Foreign and different perspectives and experiences can often help us correct our own shortcomings." The process of going out is a process of constantly enriching ourselves. The cultural festival is a bond of cultural exchange and should also serve as a bridge to strengthen the great unity of the people of the world, especially the friendly relations between China and the United States. Young people in both countries are an important driving force. We must firmly believe that "A single spark can start a prairie fire."

How should we approach China-Us relations? This is the question of the times and the world.

From the perspective of the Chinese youth, the only way for China and the United States to live together is to live in peace, respect each other, seek common ground while shelving differences, and constantly promote the construction of Chi-merica. I think that every important moment of China-US relations is inseparable from the two-way efforts of the two peoples. I especially like that word. The relationship between the two countries is the reaching out to each other by our peoples . I also like President Xi’s metaphor. He compared the world to a small boat, with all the countries in the same boat. The Chinese have an idiom called "Pulling together in times of trouble". China and the United States, as two major countries, play the role of steering the ship. The Chinese have an old saying, "The weather is not as good as the geographical place, and the geographical place is not as good as the people." If the two "leaders" fight among themselves, the other members will swing back and forth, and hegemonism and protectionism will "rise". The two countries have different histories and geographical environments. People have different ways of thinking and behaving, and there are differences on many things. But we have reason to believe that as long as we think in the same direction, work together in the same direction, and gather together in the same direction, how can we not be peaceful?

I write here with many emotions. In front of the light under the moon, on the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Guzheng stands on the side. I feel deeply the great responsibility and the glory of our mission of our youth. Through the moon, pay tribute to the 5000 years long history of China, and pay tribute to the friendship between China and the United States!

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