Impressions from the DC Chinese Culture Festival

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The 21st Chinese Culture Festival in Washington DC was a blast from start to finish. There was non-stop music and fun, and the parades kept the energy up and the crowds moving. The beautiful view of the US Capitol building was the perfect setting, and the talented performers really put on a show. I felt like I was part of something special as I saw dancers, orchestras, singers, and more, and the music was amazing. I was truly amazed by how well the performers played their instruments.

I was particularly captivated by the Chinese dances, as the dancers' movements were so fluid and graceful. I was astonished by their ability to perform so many difficult moves while staying in sync with the music. The dancers' beautiful and flowing dresses made their movements look even more elegant and graceful. It was hard to believe that I was watching real people, as their level of beauty was only comparable to that of cartoon depictions.

There were so many talented people who performed at this festival. There was even a show where someone danced with a lion, which was performed by two people. The two people acting the lion made it look so real! The lion looked and jumped around with the other performers, all while the actors inside the costume were completely blind.

Outside of the shows, there were also many other spectacles in the crowds. For example, there were long dragons waving up and down and putting up a show, which was really awe-inspiring. It was even cooler to find out that they were controlled by people! People watched the spectacles, enjoyed the music, waved around banners, and shopped at the numerous tents. It was an amazing day at this festival! I feel very proud of my Chinese heritage and the rich culture my ancestors have developed throughout history.

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