AACE National Conference for Equal Education Rights

AACE National Conference for Equal Education Rights


Bentao Cui, President of the Boston Parent Coalition for Academic Success (BPCAE), is a steadfast advocate for merit-based education. With a background in entrepreneurship and political activism, Cui has emerged as a prominent advocate for educational reform. He is committed to upholding merit-based education and ensuring that all students have access to quality education free from ideological bias. With three children in Boston, the hometown of prestigious Harvard University, Cui understands the critical importance of a fair and rigorous education system. 

Cui’s commitment to educational reform is deeply personal. He has witnessed firsthand how current policies impact his children's motivation and aspirations. "The ruling was very damaging to the motivation of my children," Cui explains. "They feel that no matter how hard they work, the admission policies are unfair to them."

Cui firmly believes that a merit-based education policy is essential for fostering a culture of excellence and fairness. Such a system ensures that students are evaluated on their abilities and achievements, rather than other criteria that can undermine their efforts and potential.

Under his leadership, The BPCAE is dedicated to challenging and reforming policies that detract from meritocracy. The organization works to engage parents, educators, and policymakers in meaningful discussions and actions to improve the education system. Cui emphasizes that a fair admission process is not just about individual success but about upholding the principles that make educational institutions and, by extension, the nation, strong and competitive.

Cui envisions an education system where every student, regardless of their background, has an equal opportunity to succeed based on their merit. He believes this approach is vital for nurturing talent and maintaining the high standards that have long been a hallmark of American education.

Bentao Cui’s dedication to merit-based education is driven by a desire to ensure that all students, including his children, can achieve their fullest potential. Through his leadership at BPCAE, he continues to champion policies that promote fairness, motivation, and academic excellence in Boston and beyond.


(Contributed by the CAPA-MC Junior Reporter Club)

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