Everyone Deserves a Family Dinner

Everyone Deserves a Family Dinner


At five o'clock in the afternoon, my mom starts cooking, and it's usually ready by six. I can smell the delicious food. As my mom calls me, my sister, and my dad to come eat, I run quickly from the living room to the dining room. I also make sure to call my dad because sometimes he's outside in the yard or in the basement. The whole family sits by the dining table and starts eating. We talk together while we eat. Everyone shares what happened during their day, sharing happy or unhappy things and showing care for each other.

My mom can cook many different things. Sometimes she makes dumplings, and other times she makes fried rice. We eat with ceramic bowls and metal forks, spoons, and chopsticks. Sometimes I don't like the food, like if it's too spicy, but sometimes it's very delicious. We spend about thirty to forty minutes eating dinner each day, and we eat until we are full and satisfied. Every day before dinner, I put cat food in the ceramic dishes for my cats. Then, my two cats start eating from their bowls.

I'm always very happy when I eat dinner because I'm really hungry when I come home from school. My sister isn't as excited as I am, but she also likes to come and eat. Our dinner time is always happy. After dinner, I go to the living room to do my homework. My dad washes the dishes, my mom goes to dance and do yoga, and my sister goes to do her homework.

I believe everyone deserves a good dinner. My sister is very funny; she always tells me amusing stories. My mom is very capable and affectionate; she always asks me what I did at school and if I'm happy. My dad is very hardworking; he's always the last one to come to the dining room to eat because he's always busy. I'm also very capable; I take care of my own things and look after my two cats.

I love my family dinners. We eat until we're full to keep our bodies healthy and so that we won't be hungry at night. I love my family, and they all love me. We are a happy and joyful family, and every day we enjoy having family dinner together.

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