The Frog in the Well

The Frog in the Well


Once upon a time, there was a short and plump frog living in a pond, lazily basking in the sun on a lotus leaf every day. One morning, while the frog was sunbathing, it saw a crow flying over to drink water. The crow mysteriously said to the frog, "Do you know there is a well by the village with a treasure hidden inside?" 

Curiously, the frog asked, "What treasure?" 

The crow replied, "There is a big, bright pearl in the well!"

The frog doubted and said, "Really?" 

The crow firmly assured, "Of course! I wouldn't lie. If you don't believe me, go see for yourself!" 

The frog thought to itself: If I get such a big pearl, I will have a high status, and other animals won't laugh at me anymore! So, the frog asked the crow, "If I get the pearl, how do I get out?" 

The crow quickly said, "Don't worry, I'll pull you up." 

So, the frog and the crow went to the well. The crow pointed at the well and said, "The pearl is in the well water; just jump in and you can get it!" The frog, believing the crow, really jumped into the well with a "plop." However, it was disappointed to find that there was no pearl at all, and the crow did not pull it out. It turned out the crow was a deceiver.

This story teaches us not to easily trust strangers and not to seek something for nothing.


Mentor: Dan Tian

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